Oxenhope... oenanthe oasis! 25-04-2010

Colditz.... (c) 2010

Goosander... one of three (c) 2010
S F1 increasing SW F3, 8degC, 5000m, rain pre visit then drizzle di 8/8, QNH 1017 steady.
A band of rain coming up from the southwest early doors followed by another stopped the early watch but once it had cleared and visibility improved the potential was there at once. The air was alive with the calls of local wading birds after the rain.... redshank, oystercatcher, snipe, lapwing, golden plover, common sandpiper and even a single dunlin call. Wheatears were around in numbers again and differing from previous days in that some were exceedingly tame and bothered little about my presence at the watchpoint. Only two mipits north this morning but once the sky had cleared Swallows were noted moving through in small waves stopping to feed for a while before moving on. LBB Gulls started to pass north later as well. Towards the end of the watch a large pale greyish backed wader was seen fleetingly through the viewfinder as it flew low across the water and away SE but it got away unresolved and unsnapped.... failure! A small group of 3 male Goosanders came in from the south, showed interest in the water and then off and away off the N end North.
Moving Birds:
Meadow Pipit 2 > N
Swallow 23 > N
LBB Gull 16 > N
Goosander 3 > N
Wheatear 9