Oxenhope.... snipe! 29-07-2010

Snipe.... 6#10 on back pools... (c) 2010

Chinook.... an effective flusher!... (c) 2010
1400 - 1530hr
LBB Gull 248
BH Gull 490
Herring Gull 1
Snipe 3
Swift 3
Wheatear 3
Brian Vickers
WF3, 14degC, 65km, 2/8, QNH 1015 falling
1820 - 2130hr
Clear and dry overnight, then scattered cloud during am with mainly open sky during the pm and further improving late afternoon. Dry all day with W variable WNW wind. A couple of Wheatears were flushed off by dog walkers but the main news of the night is the first assumed passage / dispersal congregation of Snipe of the autumn with three birds in the afternoon building to 10 during the evening. A Ruff on the back pools was flushed off by a low helicopter (which almost cleared the deck!!)... Other importance being a big influx of gulls moving through during the afternoon and evening, especially BHG and also the first double figure Goosander roost of the autumn.... Mips were going west again but in much smaller numbers than last evening.
Moving birds:
Wheatear 2
Snipe 10
Ruff 1
LBB Gull 310
BH Gull 461
Mipit 32
Curlew 5
Common Gull 15
Oystercatcher 2
Goosander 10
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