Rombalds Moor 25-02-2008 continued

Doubler Stone West (c) 2008

Doubler Stone East (c) 2008

Doubler Stones Pair (c) 2008
Ilkley Moor / Addingham High Moor 1130 - 1700hr. SW F 4-5. Heavily Overcast. Spots of rain towards the end of the afternoon.
Again very few birds seen due to unsuitable conditions. Just a few Red Grouse on Addingham High Moor. Several Wrens in the rocks below Addingham Crag. A Mistle Thrush was singing at Sheperd's Hill, also in the plantation here Coal Tits, a Robin and Goldcrests. A pair of Carrion Crows were feeding from a dead Rabbit and thats about it for the afternoon!! A very large area of Ilkley Moor at the south western end extensivly fire damaged - I diddnt realise it would be so big or bad.

Crawshaw Moss from Buck Stones (c) 2008

Badger Stone, Ilkley Moor. Note the extensive network of Cup and Ring markings (c) 2008