Oxenhope.... birds come back! 23-01-2011

Raven o'r the Vale of Worth... montage (c) 2011

BH Gull.... (c) 2011

Goosanders at late light... (c) 2011

GBB Gull 3rd W.... straight through east.... (c) 2011

Common Gull.... (c) 2011

Grey Heron after feeding on amphibians in the in-bye pools... (c) 2011

Dread.... (c) 2011
A placid morning with visibility and yes some birds in the sky!
Moving birds:
GBB Gull 1 3W > E
Stock Dove 3 > W
Common Gull 56 > NE and N
BH Gull 21 > various
Raven 1 > S over Worth Vale
Woodpigeons returned into the wood!
Greenfinch 1
Grey Heron.... catching amphibians in the in-bye ponds
Carrion Crow.... 6 including one carrying a big lump of bloody meat!
Magpie 2 including one without a tail!!
Placid PM
1315-1730hr DB, CJK, BS (welcome back Bri)
Again active roosts of similar magnitude to yesterday again with many gulls going off N.
LBB Gull 1 AD, 1 1st W!! =2... first of the year for me!!
Herring Gull 1
Common Gull c1500
BH Gull c1500
Goosander 31
Goldeneye 4
Mallard 34
Mallard 34
Goosander roost (7/31 present) a time exposure at edge of dark! (c) 2011