Oxenhope 08-10-2008

Sunrise This Morning (c) HC 2008

Cumulus Mediocris Mid Morning (c) HC 2008

Cumulus Mediocris / Stratocumulus Mid Morning (c) HC 2008
0730 - 1130hr HC
W F4 reducing F2, 8degC rising 12, 14km increasing 65, 3/8 cumulus increasing, QNH 1012 rising 1016.
Cold westerlies first thing with slowly rising temperatures throughout morning, F4 rising to F5 and then reducing F2 by late morning. 1/8 early doors produced a lot of haze to east, but visibilty improved to Drax and Penyghent by late morning, although Stratocumulus and Cumulus Fractus resulted in 6/8 by close of play.
Quite a nice variety today, albeit low volumes - no thrushes or significant numbers of Starlings yet. The morning received a lift at 08.30 hrs when 8 Whooper Swans made their way in from the NW. A flock of gleaming white birds (fully sunlit) was picked up moving south near Watersheddles coll and scoping in confirmed Whoopers - as they hit Oxenhope, they made a 90 degree turn to their left and continued on this easterly heading until they went out of sight in the haze just past Windhill (these birds were also seen by BV as they passed over Paul Clough). A group of 3 Pintail came high NW over the reservoir at 08.00 hrs and an unexpected total of 34 Swallows was seen (single at 08.05, 4 at 09.40 and 29 at 09.50 - all birds were moving like exocets,the 29 coming low overhead right over the wave wall). Raptor wise, a Merlin and a Kestrel both came in high from the east and moved at great speed over the windmills out west - clearly moving birds.
Birds in order of appearance :-
Meadow Pipits - 61 S
Alba Wag - 9 S
Greenfinch - 19 (18 W & 1 SE)
Woodpigeon - 5 SE
Chaffinch - 28 (18 W & 10 S)
Swallow - 34 S
Pintail - 3 NW
Starling - 2 high NW
Reed Bunting - 2 W via wave wall
Whooper Swan - 8 E
Goldfinch - 19 W
Stonechat - 2 on wave wall moved to other side of res.
Golden Plover - 2 SE
Merlin - 1 W
Snipe - 1 W
Kestrel - 1 W
Grey Wagtail - 1 W
Other :-
Mistle Thrush - 2 in wood
Robin - 2 in wood
Blackbird - several in wood
Usual numbers of blogging corvids - Carrion Crow,Rook and Jackdaw
BH gull - circa 45 on res
Mallard - pair
Howard Creber

Whoopers on Approach (c) HC 2008

Whoopers on FlyPast (c) HC 2008

Whoopers on Fly Past (c) HC 2008