Oxenhope 27-09-2008

Dawn this Morning (c) 2008

Pre Sunrise.... (c) 2008
0655 - 1000hr DB/CK/HC
SW F3/4, 8degC rising 14, 6km Haze, 1/8 cirrostratus, QNH 1031 falling.
A night of open skys continuing through into the day. A moderate morning but with most of the movement over by 0745hr. Best birds were a couple of Peregrines that went through low SW in close succession at 0721hr and at 0735hr a Merlin seen exceptionally high twisting, towering and diving in perusit of a passerine assumed pipit. The Merlin gave up in the end and went off very high east. The first Swallow was early at 0715hr. An influx of Greenfinch on the move was noted with 18 going west.
Moving birds in order of appearance;
Meadow Pipit 638 > S
alba wagtail 5 > various
Swallow 41 > SE and S
Peregrine 2 > SW
Starling 9 > W
Redpoll 1 > SE
Golden Plover 3 > NE
Lapwing 41 > NE
Chaffinch 14 > S and SE
Redwing 3 > NW
Merlin 1 > E
Siskin 37 > S and SE
Skylark 2 > w
Goldfinch 22 > S and SE
Greenfinch 18 > W
Song Thrush 2 > W
Linnet 2 > SE
Mistle Thrush 3
Grey Wagtail 1 > W
Snipe 7 > W
Sparrowhawk 1 > S

Open Sky mid morning (c) 2008