Oxenhope.... spring takes hold!! 27-02-2011

Curlews in to Roost.... seven images (c) 2011

Emley Moor o'rr the Bush.... (c) 2011

An arrival !!... (c) 2011

Sparrowhawk flypast N.... (c) 2011

Goldeneye flypast... (c) 2011

The late arrivers dropping in..... 57 in total... not bad for February!! (c) 2011
NW becoming NNE F3, rain snow and hail showers
1215 - 1800hr DCB, BS and CJK
A good afternoon with the weather just about holding off. Curlews fresh back were the birds of the day with much activity and a good arrival in to the roost assembly (57 total). Goosanders sparse at first were spread between both reservoirs (26) and small gulls again sparse until the end did arrive in small numbers just when it seemed as if there would be none (477 incl 402 Commons). Lapwings dropping in soon hunkered down to become almost invisible! (Brian counted c130).Three well spaced LBB Gulls went high NW and for certain a watch out over the valley would have produced many more. Although none were seen today, Golden Plover display song could be heard clearly from the moor. Small raptors were in evidence including a couple of Kestrels and a Sparrowhawk passing through.