Oxenhope... quantity not quality!... 31-07-2010

Lessers piling through!! and blackheads as well... (c) 2010

One for the book!.... (c) 2010

Goosanders.... early roost gathering... (c) 2010
W F4, 15degC, 50km, 8/8 intermittant rain, QNH 1009 rising
0845 - 1130hr
Huggins of mipits congregating on the way to the watchpoint this morning... but very few on site.
Moving birds:
BH Gull 270
LBB Gull 203
Common Gull 4
Cormorant 1
W F4 increasing W F5, 16degC, 60km, 7/8 becoming 9/8 rain, QNH 1009 falling
1400 - 2030hr
A band of rain stretching from NW to SE crossing the Pennines over lunch time, seemingly breaking up as it went was just clearing upon arrival, then essentially dry bright and clear until early evening when a mass of driving rain moved in from the west to put an early end to the day! Contrary to a couple of weeks ago it was very noticable that virtually all of the gulls were coming in and going past streaming low up the valleys from the east and north east... suggesting continental arrivals / influx rather that dispersal from the gulleries further north which has been prominent... again good numbers of dark end lessers in the mix. Hardly a wader in sight today! and seemingly an influx of Common Gulls.
Moving birds:
Wheatear 2
BH Gull 796
LBB Gull 574
Common Gull 31
Herring Gull 3
Canada Goose 30
Swift 31
Curlew 2
Goosander 12
Dave Brian and Keith