Oxenhope... ringing skies! 02-10-2010

Bunting skies... above the early fractus.... (c) 2010

Fog banks 0'rr the high tops!.... (c) 2010

The Roof of the World... (c) 2010
Oxenhope, Bradford (W Yorks, England)
Saturday 2 October 2010
Counting period: 6:30-13:00
Weather: SSW F2, 8degC, 200m - 30km cu fractus / haze, no sig cloud, QNH 1002 rising
Observers: Dave Barker, Chris King, Howard Creber
Moving birds:
Pink-footed Goose 127 -
Swallow 8 -
Greenfinch 38 -
Greylag Goose 2 -
Meadow Pipit 546 -
Goldfinch 7 -
Common Buzzard 2 -
Grey Wagtail 1 -
Siskin 15 -
Common Snipe 4 -
alba wagtail sp. 15 -
Linnet 12 -
Black-headed Gull 96 -
Mistle Thrush 6 -
Lapland Bunting 2 - East
Lesser Black-backed Gull 31 -
Carrion Crow 10 -
Snow Bunting 1 - East
Herring Gull 1 -
Starling 14 -
Reed Bunting 5 -
Woodpigeon 2 -
Chaffinch 74 -
bunting sp. 5 -
Skylark 7 -
Brambling 1 -
Red Admiral 3 -
Totals: 1035 individuals, 27 species, 6:30 hours
Comments: Open sky overnight and through the day. Wind from a southerly quarter throughout, QNH rising, then ridging 1003 at c0830. A terriffic morning of high movement with the skies once again ringing with bunting teu's, E nearly all in the 0700 - 0800 slot. Sadly the broader picture was once again obscured by poor visibility initially but there was lots to keep us occupied. Chaffinch were on the move high above the fractus from sunrise with many parties over initially W and later S so high that they could only be heard and not seen to count. Mips were moderate but again good numbers high S above the fractus as well as some big parties lower down and later on and continuing right through past lunch time. Siskins were in the mix with four parties high SWish. High Buzzards went W at 0920 and 1230 right over the Pennines to be lost in Lancashire. Pinks also W far out over Airedale with three skeins 0920, c1245 and 1255. Reed Buntings W. A single Brambling zeeek overhead. Albas had died back. Starlings just a few today but most on the continental track once again.
Dave, Chris and Howard
PAUL CLOUGH 02-10-2010
0700 - 0915.
Chaffinches moving through in small groups from first light, a good variety of the common species although a Merlin dashing through after a flock of chaffinch was unusual.
Chaffinch 234, Siskin 10, Redpoll 2, Reed bunting 1, Greenfinch 15, Coaltit 5, Alba Wagtails sp 4, Brambling 3, Redwing 6, Mistlethrush 5, Goldfinch 12, Bullfinch 5, Mpipits 60+, Merlin 1,Sparrowhawk 1.
Brian Vickers