After Sunrise (c) 2007

Wonderful Skies! (c) 2007
0655 - 1015hr (Dave Barker / Howard Creber)
SW F1 rising F3, 5degC rising 14, 60km max, 4/8, clear initially, Dry.
A bitter cold morning initially with mists in the valleys rising to become shallow rolling fogs over the moor tops by 0915hr when the watchpoint was enveloped for a considerable period by dense fogs spilling over from Calderdale. Cirrostratus and a pair of Sundogs prevailed in the sky. Birdwise after a slow start mipits came thick and fast with quite definately more moving in the skies out to the east than out to the west. All were going hard south, most in long raggling lines and groups but many singles and fews. A total of 1085 passed south during the morning with most before 0845hr. Just a few Swallows this morning and most in a single group of 21 going south through the Causeway Foot col. An association of two Great Spotted Woodpeckers passed to the west and onward over the open moor the first bird paused briefly on a post sticking up on the moor as if waiting for the second which approached, overflew and the original went up, calling, off and after!! More finches this week than last. Sadly all good things came to an end and then off home to do the washing!! Telephone conversations with Clive and Mark confirmed that Spurn was doing well for mipits with c1700 > S by c0845hr
Moving Birds:
Meadow Pipit 1085 > S
Goldfinch 24 > W
Greenfinch 21 > W
Chaffinch 2 > W
Redpoll 8 > S
Shelduck 2 > W
Lapwing 10 > SE
alba wag 5 > W
Snipe 1 > SW
Jackdaw 30 > SE
Mistle Thrush 21 > W
LBB Gull 6 > NW
Common Gull 2 > S
Swallow 34 > S
Great Spotted Woodpecker 2 > W
Linnet 3 > W
Reed Bunting 1
Sparrowhawk 1
Stonechat 2
Wheatear 4
Kestrel 3

Mist in Airedale beyond Keighley (c) 2007

One of a pair of brilliant Sundogs (c) 2007

Dense Fogs Spilling over from Calderdale (c) 2007