Oxenhope.... knotted up! 10-09-2010

Knot.... Four.... five images (c) 2010
Oxenhope, Bradford (W Yorks, England)
Friday 10 September 2010
Counting period: 9:00-10:00
Weather: SSW F3, 13degC, 30km, 8/8 heavy showers of rain and low fractus, QNH 1012 falling
Observers: Howard Creber
Moving birds:
Common Sandpiper 1 -
Meadow Pipit 15 -
Swallow 2 -
Swallow 2 -
Mistle Thrush - 1
Totals: 19 individuals, 4 species, 1:00 hours
Present: Common Sandpiper 1
Comments: Thwarted once again by the weather. On site for 09.00 hrs, having waited for the heavy rain to abate, only to be fogged off and with very few bird calls. Started to lift at 09.45 hrs, but hopes dashed with the onset of heavy rain again. Left watchpoint at 10.00 hrs with no wryneck today, only a wry smile.... Mipits - 15 W... Swallow - 2 S... Mistle Thrush - 1 NW... Common Sandpiper - one on waters edge and one overhead SE....
Counting period: 16:00-18:50
Weather: WSW F4, 16degC humid, 50km, 8/8 showers of rain, QNH 1011 steady
Observers: Dave Barker
Moving birds:
Lapwing - 13
Totals: 19 individuals, 4 species, 1:00 hours
Present: Common Sandpiper 1
Comments: Thwarted once again by the weather. On site for 09.00 hrs, having waited for the heavy rain to abate, only to be fogged off and with very few bird calls. Started to lift at 09.45 hrs, but hopes dashed with the onset of heavy rain again. Left watchpoint at 10.00 hrs with no wryneck today, only a wry smile.... Mipits - 15 W... Swallow - 2 S... Mistle Thrush - 1 NW... Common Sandpiper - one on waters edge and one overhead SE....
Counting period: 16:00-18:50
Weather: WSW F4, 16degC humid, 50km, 8/8 showers of rain, QNH 1011 steady
Observers: Dave Barker
Moving birds:
Lapwing - 13
Lesser Black-backed Gull 51 -
Knot 4 -
Knot 4 -
Herring Gull 2 -
Black-headed Gull 45 -
Black-headed Gull 45 -
Meadow Pipit 52 -
Totals: 167 individuals, 6 species, 2:50 hours
Present: Goosander 6, Lapwing 87, Common Sandpiper 1, Black-headed Gull 151, Lesser Black-backed Gull 254
Comments: Open sky over last night through to midnight then overdrawing from the SW with rain again advancing from the SW by 0300hr til c0700hr, then becoming broken with heavy showers and diminishing low fractus throughout the day. Wind SSE overnight til dawn then from a SW quarter throughout the day. QNH falling over night then stabilising at c 1011 during the day. A good movement and influx of gulls this afternoon with both BHG and LBBG tracking NW but the birds of the day, for the second time this week.... probably present all day but hidden by the morning rains and low cloud were four Knot. They were quite inactive, sleeping for most of the time except when chivvied by the Lapwings which for some reason up here seem not to want to tollerate other waders during the passage season.... however they remained happy on the deck until 1730hr when for some unknown reason, perhaps it was just time to go.... they just got up in a rain shower... towered and away very high to the west. Thanks to BV for letting me know they were here in the afternoon. Mipits were moving west and south west in small numbers throughout with the biggest group being eleven
Howard, Brian and Dave
Totals: 167 individuals, 6 species, 2:50 hours
Present: Goosander 6, Lapwing 87, Common Sandpiper 1, Black-headed Gull 151, Lesser Black-backed Gull 254
Comments: Open sky over last night through to midnight then overdrawing from the SW with rain again advancing from the SW by 0300hr til c0700hr, then becoming broken with heavy showers and diminishing low fractus throughout the day. Wind SSE overnight til dawn then from a SW quarter throughout the day. QNH falling over night then stabilising at c 1011 during the day. A good movement and influx of gulls this afternoon with both BHG and LBBG tracking NW but the birds of the day, for the second time this week.... probably present all day but hidden by the morning rains and low cloud were four Knot. They were quite inactive, sleeping for most of the time except when chivvied by the Lapwings which for some reason up here seem not to want to tollerate other waders during the passage season.... however they remained happy on the deck until 1730hr when for some unknown reason, perhaps it was just time to go.... they just got up in a rain shower... towered and away very high to the west. Thanks to BV for letting me know they were here in the afternoon. Mipits were moving west and south west in small numbers throughout with the biggest group being eleven
Howard, Brian and Dave