Giga Ganzen! 2013-01-05

A tremendous day with geese to the fore throughout.
Thanks for the Barnacles go to sharp eyed Danny for finding them and Brian Sumner for the grapevine message..... Originally thought to be 35, we got 37 (DCB, HC, RHP) thinking we hadn't got them all owing the to complex folds in the ground and BS later confirmed 44 after they had moved into a more favourable position..... We also had a group of pinks dropping in to stay and feed for a while....... however these local Barnacle mega's were dwarfed by the magnitude of pink passage, first noted late am, to continue right through til last light.
Summation of my (HC) Pinkies, all directly over Oxenhope, is :- circa 300 NW - 14.15 hrs circa 300 NW - 14.25 hrs circa 750 NW - 14.35 hrs ( this was a multi chevroned skein - spectacular ) circa 120 NW - 14.45 hrs 12 NW - 15.15 hrs ( directly over house ) All birds flying way up above cloud base and viewed only because of good breaks in cloud cover. HC.