Wilsden 19-02-2008

Cross Lane Wilsden.... Frost and Fog (c) 2008
Wilsden 0830 - 1130hr
Thick fog until 1005hr then becoming misty with very hazy sunshine above 800ft asl. Temp -4C rising -1. Very few birds seen but Skylarks (3), Greenfinch (6), Goldfinch (1) heard going over above the fog. Many unseen fogbound Lapwings calling from the fields around Cross Lane.
Should really have gone to the Oxenhope watchpoint this morning as i have been told that at 1250ft asl it was well in the clear sunshine albeit very cold and frosty.

An hour spent here listening for vis above the fog line (c) 2008

Last of the Afternoon Sun (c) 2008