Oxenhope 25-10-2008

Pre Sunrise this Morning (c) 2008

Sunrise this Morning...... Open sky over Lincolnshire and out over the North Sea! (c) 2008

Out to the East (c) 2008
Oxenhope, Bradford, W Yorks
0730 - 0945hr DB
SSW F4 rising SSW F7, 5.5degC rising 6.7degC, 65km haze, 4/8 increasing 8/8, QNH 1022 falling 1020.
A rapidly deteriorating morning with closing skies, rising wind and rain by 1100hr. Initially thrushes were on the move, all were low, coming up the valley from the east, breasting the embankment and away to the west. Again small groups of Starlings were low to the ground and moving NW. The only small passerine seen was a single Meadow Pipit trying to go west!
Moving birds in order of appearance:
Redwing 295 > W
Fieldfare 129 > W
Starling 120 > NW
Meadow Pipit 1 > W

The sky to the west.... Cirrostratus stratiformis (c) 2008

Distrail overhead.....Cirrostratus stratiformis (c) 2008

Closed sky advancing from the NW (c) 2008