Oxenhope.... thaw sets in! 30-01-2011

Little time tonight so report to follow...
0900 - 1115hr
Yesterdays ice on the retreat but in the main, skies, water and moor almost devoid of obvious birds.... a trickle of small gulls moving north, sixteen distant pinks NW, a good representation of Red Grouse very noisy and spread around the area and a Little Owl out was a good sign...
1520 - 1720hr DB / BS
A active gull roost, but well down on yesterday... very many were leaving to the east after pre-roost, quite probably Eccup bound. the totals are those remaining. Pre roost mid water, moving to E end at last light. GD well up with a good number of early arrivers today, building to 44 present at the end. A Curlew at late dusk could have been a passage bird or an early first return to the area.
Common Gull c 800
BH Gull c 600
H Gull 1
LBB Gull 3
GBB Gull 1
Goldeneye 4 F
Mistle Thrush 2
Fieldfare c90
GD 44
Mallard 33
Grey Partridge... several calling at dusk
Curlew 1 calling at dusk