Oxenhope 14-06-2009

Common Blue (male) (c) 2009

Common Blue (male) 2009

Small Copper (c) 2009

Green Hairstreak (c) 2009

Start of a new colony ? (c) 2009
0830 - 1100hr
W F3, 17degC at 0800hr, 30km, 2/8 cumulus sp, QNH 1019 falling.
A much better morning than yesterday but still with few birds in the sky. Greylag Geese were on the move with two small parties totalling 11 flying through WSW. Incidentally Greylag have increased greatly on this side of Airedale over the last c5 years.... seemingly spreading from the north in sympathy with Oystercatchers! A total Greylag count today from four local waters topped 120 birds.... many still with 3/4 grown young but all in big single species rafts. Canadas except for the breeding birds and a few others are now much reduced. A few Swift flying consistantly west and north west as were small numbers of BH and LBB Gulls. A Whinchat, possibly two (males) singing had arrived on the reserve overnight and several species of butterflies were in evidence. Painted Ladies again passing through with singles seen flying fast and low north and north west throughout the day both at the watchpoint and over the moors this afternoon.
Moving Birds:
Greylag Goose 11 > WSW
Swift 27 > NW
LBB Gull 38 > NW
BH Gull 12 > NW
Starling 10 > W
Lapwing 6 > NW (singles)
Greylag c120+
Canada Goose 10
Common Blue
Green Hairstreak
Small Copper
Small Heath
Green veined White
Painted Lady c35 (all day)