Oxenhope Watchpoint 17-03-2008

Oxenhope Watchpoint looking South (c) 2008

Oxenhope Watchpoint looking East (c) 2008
Oxenhope Watchpoint 0730 - 0930hr
NW F2, 2degC and rising, Vis 65km max reducing, 7/8, intermittent light snow, QNH 1019.
More on the move than thought would be the case! Meadow Pipits were maninly noted during the first 1/2hour (23 > N) but continued at a lesser rate throughout. All were very high and moving strongly north in to the wind. Three hirundines picked up at a distance also very high as expected turned out to be Sand Martins as they reduced height over the water and came off the the north corner of the reservoir streight through. A continuous trickle of LBB Gulls amounted to 11 > NW and a couple of Grey Herons may have been "frogging" on the moor. The grey strato base was ideal to see the few birds that were on the move up there.
Moving Birds:
Meadow Pipit 49 > N
Skylark 4 > W
Curlew 6 > W
Reed Bunting 1 > NW
Alba wagtail 5 > NW
Sand Martin 3 > NW
C Crow 1 > W
LBB Gull 11 > NW
Oystercatcher 2 > NW
Grey Heron 2 > N
Mistle Thrush 2 > W
Kestrel 3
Chaffinch in wood
Greenfinch in wood
Wren still on moor