Oxenhope... shelduck surprise! 23-07-2010

Dunlin... juvenile... (c) 2010

Common Sand... influx!... with Dunlin.. (c) 2010

Shelduck... edge of dark!... (c) 2010

Shelduck... ditto.. (c) 2010

Last Light over Lad Law... (c) 2010

A Shelduck Moon!... (c) 2010

The Lights of Bradford!... (c) 2010

From whence the Shelduck came... (c) 2010

Embsay Moor... (c) 2010
1900 - 2230hr
A good fine day, the first after the deluge and improving as the day went on. Part o/cast during the morning with NNE breeze becoming W then almost calm by dusk. An early Ringed Plover had moved on. Lots of gulls today together with an arrival of Dunlin before sunset, A small skein of Shelduck over at 2100... high from the NW with two lagging then dropping out and then a couple of Greenshank over / in from the NE. A definate influx of Common Sands and Curlews still roosting albeit much reduced with the first in at 2143hr... a very good job I decided to stick it out tonight!
Moving birds:
LBB Gull 324
BH Gull 312
Herring Gull 1
Common Gull 6
Common Sandpiper 5
Oystercatcher 1
Dunlin 3
Shelduck 6 + 2 dropping out = 8
Greenshank 2
Curlew 12 roost
0700 - 0730hr
Ringed Plover 1
LBB Gull 30
BH Gull 1
Brian Vickers