Oxenhope... 2012-08-26

Oxenhope, Bradford (W Yorks, England)
Sunday 26 August 2012 Counting period: 5:55-16:00
Weather: wind var2, cloud-cover 7/8, precipitation rain, visibility 65000m, temperature 11 ℃, CALM, becoming N F1, NE, E, SE and ending up W F2 3ok, 15degC, QNH 1011 rising 1015 Observers: Dave Barker, Howard Creber, Lester Ward
Moving Birds:
Cormorant 1 -
Lesser Black-backed Gull 241 -
flava wagtail sp. 2 -
Sparrowhawk 2 -
Herring Gull 1 -
alba wagtail sp. 2 -
Common Buzzard 3 -
Short-eared Owl 1 -
Wheatear 5 -
Ringed Plover 1 -
Sand Martin 10 -
Raven 2 -
Golden Plover 13 -
Swallow 384 -
Greenfinch 1 -
Snipe - 2
House Martin 45 -
Siskin 1 -
Curlew - 34
Tree Pipit 4 -
Linnet 4 -
Black-headed Gull 83 -
Meadow Pipit * 40 + 27
Totals: 909 individuals, 23 species, 10:05 hours
Present: Willow Warbler 1
Comments: Little initially with drizzle developing with low cloudbase, but soon improving before falling off again with heavy rain, then sky clearing suddenly from the SW. SEO very high east mid am was the most interesing bird. A large wader coming rapidly W, turning sharp SW and away remained unidentified.