Oxenhope... rich and abundant! 20 to 30-03-2011

That which glitters is our GOLD!... five images (c) 2011
Redshanks settle in... two pairs (c) 2011
Kestrel..... the local male overhead... (c0 2011

Lapwings... tumbling over territory... many! (c) 2011
Snipe drumming over territory.... three pairs at least... montage (c) 2011
Ever watchful... Ever waiting.... far too many of these!... (c) 2011

Redshanks settling in.... two images (c) 2011
Redshanks cross the in-bye... (c) 2011
Peace and tranquillity... edge of dark... crows still watching... Curlews splitting up and tending to stay out on the moor.... (c) 2011
Peace and tranquillity... edge of dark... (c) 2011

Grass Owls back.... undisclosed site.... (c) 2011
Sorry if the content of these postings is not what you have logged on to see... ie its non vis!! but kicked the habit this season... sadly not out of choice but out of necessity to concentrate on a limited spectrum of the avifauna of the environs of the watchpoint.... its locally the best of its habitat type there is! The following is a brief summary only.
Sunday 20th March 2011
Cormorant 1 E
Golden Plover 71 around the moor field for most of the day
Twite 3 flushed at close range
Wheatear 1
Curlew c 50 still coming to roost area
Redshank 2
Oystercatcher 6
Meadow Pipit 100's.. whilst not counted a good move today with up to c200 grounded on Soil Hill late pm
Greylag Goose 4 the first influx back here
Raven 2... probable first summer birds
Starlings N and E in good numbers
Snipe 2.... drumming from two locations
Friday 25th March 2011
Golden Plover 47
Cormorant 1
Goosander 24
Oystercatcher 2 pairs
Redshank 2 pairs
Snipe drumming 3 areas
Lapwings dispursed, territorial, many displaying and judging by the activity of the carrions, some now with clutches
Wheatear 2
Raven assumed first summer bird.
Golden Plover 73 roost + 26
Curlew c50 roost
alba c 40 roost
Redshank 2 pairs
Goosander 39 roost... now becoming irregular and thus assume transient
Snipe drumming
Tawney Owl in wood
Saturday 26th March 2011
Golden Plover 71 in moor field area
Goldeneye 14 (up to 7 on recent visits)
Goosander 24
Lapwing..,. armies of crows over breeding areas
Snipe drumming from three areas
Oystercatchers 4
Redshank 4
Curlews dispursed and not countable but much activity
Sunday 27th March 2011
As previous but three Wheatears and Redshank pair on in-bye
Redshank 4
Curlew 32 pre roost
Goosander and Goldeneye numbers fallen significantly
Monday 28th March 2011
Redshank 4 two pairs
as previous but
Golden Plover, only 3 on moor field
Oystercatcher 2
Curlew well spreadout
Tuesday 29th March 2011
as before
Redshank 4 two pairs
Goosander 10
Oystercatcher 2
Golden Plovers c40 on moor field... for the first time this season singles leaving the pack on the moor field on three occasions and flighting to localities the moor...
Carrion Crows constantly worrying Lapwings, some obviously now with clutch
Wheatear 2
Redshank 4
Grey Partridge calling from 3 areas
Red legged Partridge noisy
Snipe drumming from four areas
Curlew.... roost diminished c20
Oystercatcher 6
Goosander 10