Watchpoint 23-08-2005 eve
Members only watchpoint 23-08-2005 eve
Tuesday 23rd August 2005
1915 – 2045hr (DCB, BV, KM)
Weather and Sky:
An improving evening albeit only slightly with cessation of recent light rain. Wind: SW F5 and rising. Temp: 15. Visibility: 10km max. Cloud: low stratocumulus with lower fractus streaming off the moors, mid altocumulus becoming altostratus during visit, with high cirrus visible at times. Deep gradually approaching stratus from the west. Lowest cloudbase reducing to c1400ft asl during visit. Precipitation: misting rain visible to west, but little at the watchpoint. Pressure: falling 1014 reducing 1013.
Despite the conditions 30 – 40 Swallows were hawking back and forth in the lee of the wood upon my arrival, both KM (departing) and BV (just arrived) reported Swallows moving SW before I got there. These in the lee of the wood may well have been held by the recent rain, just stopped. I saw about 15 Swallows going on SW and into the wind and low fractus, possibly some of the ones from the lee of the wood as they could not have stopped there all night. Otherwise gulls were well down on yesterdays influx (c500 – 600) with less than 80 present. Possibly the same six Curlew and the single Common Sandpiper were still present. Otherwise just downright bad. Swallows were the only passerines seen.
Moving birds:
Swallow more than 15 > SW
The Sky tonight 23rd August 2005 (c)
Tuesday 23rd August 2005
1915 – 2045hr (DCB, BV, KM)
Weather and Sky:
An improving evening albeit only slightly with cessation of recent light rain. Wind: SW F5 and rising. Temp: 15. Visibility: 10km max. Cloud: low stratocumulus with lower fractus streaming off the moors, mid altocumulus becoming altostratus during visit, with high cirrus visible at times. Deep gradually approaching stratus from the west. Lowest cloudbase reducing to c1400ft asl during visit. Precipitation: misting rain visible to west, but little at the watchpoint. Pressure: falling 1014 reducing 1013.
Despite the conditions 30 – 40 Swallows were hawking back and forth in the lee of the wood upon my arrival, both KM (departing) and BV (just arrived) reported Swallows moving SW before I got there. These in the lee of the wood may well have been held by the recent rain, just stopped. I saw about 15 Swallows going on SW and into the wind and low fractus, possibly some of the ones from the lee of the wood as they could not have stopped there all night. Otherwise gulls were well down on yesterdays influx (c500 – 600) with less than 80 present. Possibly the same six Curlew and the single Common Sandpiper were still present. Otherwise just downright bad. Swallows were the only passerines seen.
Moving birds:
Swallow more than 15 > SW
The Sky tonight 23rd August 2005 (c)