Oxenhope.... Yellow Wagtail! 15-08-2009

Stratocumulus over the western moors... looking NNW (c) 2009

Great Nick and Wolf Stones Slack... looking NNW (c) 2009
SSW F5 gusting F7, 17degC at o700, 65 increasing 100+km, 7/8 stratocumulus, QNH 1007 falling
0715 - 1115hr
An overcast morning with frequent rain showers... just on the edge of it.... much more rain could be seen to the west and north west throughout the morning. To the east however it was very clear and dry with the Yorkshire Wolds, Humber Bridge and Scunthorpe steel works all visible in detail. The birds were slow, with only Swallows, LBB Gulls and a few mipits on the move. A very big group of Meadow Pipits (c250) were congregating on Trough Lane whilst travelling to the site.... they seemed to be able to fly ok! Swallows were all low, going SSW and W. Consequently there may have been some missed as they wernt easy to see in the dismal gloom. LBB Gulls were still moving SSW in moderate numbers with many juveniles this morning, sometimes escorted and sometimes single. Grey Wagtails were starting to move and the bird of the day... a single Yellow Wagtail (a very rare bird in these parts now!!) went over SW at 0842. A single big group (40) of Meadow Pipits skipped through at ground level west at 0856 and six Linnets went through the same way later on. Last weeks hoards of BH Gulls as expected had vanished... with next to none in the sky! Whilst the lower sky was heavily overcast the upper sky through the few gaps was deep blue and clear but no contrail photography was possible.
Moving birds:
Swallow 73 > W and SSW
LBB Gull 65 > SSW
Grey Wagtail 2 > W
Yellow Wagtail 1 > SW
Meadow Pipit 43 > W
BH Gull 3 > S and NW
Linnet 6 > W