Wheatears passing through (c) 2009

Wheatears passing through (c) 2009

Juvenile Curlews on the move, still all going west (c) 2009
0730 - 1130hr
WSW F3, 13degC at 0700, 45km, 1/8 cirrostratus, QNH 1021 rising.
Lots in the sky this morning with, Swallows, Curlews, BH Gulls and Wheatears on the move. Also lots of butterflies passing through NW including two Speckled Wood.... very uncommon here on the moors! Groups of Swallows kept appearing mainly but not exclusively high and all moving south interspersed with gathering and feeding. The sky was full of insect soup and many sallies attempting to and actually catching passing butterflies and large flies were noted. Several groups of Curlews passed west and north west with the ones being close enough to photograph all being juveniles. Wheatears were noted moving south west onto and past the wave wall... over the water and on. All in all a fair morning but with a limited range of species.
Moving Birds and Butterflies:
Swallow 157 > S and SW
BHGull 135 > S and W
LBB Gull 46 incl juvs > SW and NW
Wheatear 5 > S and SW
Curlew 11 > W and NW
Large White 19 > NW
Green veined White 23 > NW
Speckled Wood 2 > NW
Small Skipper 1 > NW
Small White 5 > NW
Teal... pair with chicks!