Oxenhope 13-06-2009

Starling Family "Huddle" (c) 2009
0800 - 1100hr
W F2/3, 17.5degC at 0800, 25km, 6/8 reducing, QNH 1020 falling.
A very poor morning with very little in the sky at all, even the LBB Gulls at a minimum with only a handfull still moving NW. Lots of Starlings frequenting the moors along Trough Lane on the way in but up here only a few in evidence. Also few butterflies in evidence with only a single fresh Small Heath and a couple of very tatty Green veined White. Possible resurgence of Painted Ladies late morning with two or three moving N along the line of Canal Road, Bradford as seen from the car.
Moving Birds:
LBB Gull 11 > NW
Starling 21 > NE
BH Gull 3 > NW