Oxenhope 16-03-2009 (Monday)
Mixed Large Gulls > N and NW (c) 2009

Mixed Large Gulls > N and NW (c) 2009

Goosanders > North (c) 2009

Golden Plovers Going North (c) 2009

Mixed Large Gulls > N and NW (c) 2009

Goosanders > North (c) 2009

Golden Plovers Going North (c) 2009

Sorry the report is late!
0730 - 0945hr
SSW F2, 5degC, 20km, 4/8 altostratus to N, QNH 1032 steady.
A big let down after yesterdays surge but nevertheless some interesting movement with several skeins of mixed large gulls comprising mainly Herring Gulls with a few Greater black backs and Lesser back backs mixed in going north and northwest seen from both the watchpoint and later on Leeshaw. In addition several singles and small parties of Lessers also went north west. A small party of Goosanders overflew high north as did a small skein of Golden Plovers. Meadow Pipits were very sparse but all were going north and somewhat higher than yesterdays surge. A small skein of Canadas also overflew north. Later in the morning a skein of 26 Whoopers dropped into Lower Barden Reservoir from the south east and were either joined by or joined an additional group of 15 making a total of 41 on the water. These were photographed at lunch time and were still there mid afternoon.
Moving birds in order of appearance:
Meadow Pipit 23 > N
alba wagtail 3 > N
Canada Goose 9 > N
Carrion Crow 3 > N
Goosander 5 > N
Golden Plover 24 > N
Herring Gull 24 > N
Greater black backed Gull 4 > N
Lesser black backed Gull 11 > N and NW
Curlew 5 (3 > E and 2 > W)
Skylark 2 > W
Starling c600
Redshank 2 (Influx of Redshank to Leeshaw today with a total of 8 present)
Whooper Swan 41 (Lower Barden Res, Wharfedale)
Wheatear 3 (Nab Water Lane) BVickers
Stonechat 2 (Nab Water Lane) B Vickers
Redshank 2 (Fly Flatts) B Vickers