Wilsden 23-07-2008

The Sky This Evening (c) 2008
1845 - 1945hr
EF2, 23degC, Haze, 4/8, QNH 1022 falling.
Lots of activity in the skies tonight but mostly very high. BH Gulls were on the move in ones and twos with the main (but not exclusive) directions of travel being west and north east. 73 were counted in the one hour watch along with at least five Common Gulls. Strangely however LBBGulls were totally absent. Swifts seem to have moved on, with only a single seen moving high west (with the wind!). Whilst not vis in the true sence Wood Pigeons both adults and juvs were frequently passing east overhead, the first evening this has happened this autumn. A single Meadow Pipit was heard and seen moving west overhead.
Moving birds:
BH Gull 73 > W and NE
Common Gull 5 > W
Swift 1 > W
Wood Pigeon 41 > E
Meadow Pipit 1 > W

BHGull > W..... one of the very few low ones (c) 2008

Wood Pigeons > E.... presume to roost from feeding areas (c) 2008