Oxenhope 10-05-2009

Altostratus o/head, fumulus and deep cumulus beyond over the North Sea (c) 2009
0645-1000 D Barker
WSW F2/Calm/NW F1, 6.5degC, 65km, 7/8 altostratus with lower fractus, QNH 1019 rising.
Overcast overhead with open skys to the very far east throughout. An early shower just before arrival cleared to the east. Initially quite a lot of movement with birds in the flat calm overcast skys 360degrees at all ranges, ideal conditions for viewing. Fewer and fewer birds in the sky as the morning progressed until absolutely dead by 0920hr. A resurgence of Meadow Pipits, NW first thing was interesting with small numbers of Swallows also moving from first thing. The first Swift was noted at 0737 with an initial following surge, whilst more Swift were counted than yesterday, many were picked up at very long range broad front by scoping over Airedale. Yesterdays count was by naked eye and bins only, so yesterdays push was stronger than today! At o738 two Ringed Plovers approached down the water and off the north end and away NW gaining height all the time. Good views of a White Wagtail on the far shore at 0800, this flew off north in conjunction with the calm picking up NW F1/2. At 0915 three tern sp were picked up on approach high far out to the west against the flat dark grey sky, I thought these might come down to investigate but they just went straight on east without deviating.... probably Arctic! By 0920 the skys were dead with flat calm prevailing again. I stuck it out until 1000hr with hardly a bird logged. A fall of Willow Warblers was apparent first thing with uncountable numbers of birds singing from the reservoir bushes. Out of interest MD visited between 1130 and 1300hr and had a Whimbrel going over N...... should have stuck it out a bit longer!
Moving Birds in order of appearance:
Meadow Pipit 16 > NW
LBB Gull 15 > NW
Swallow 46 > NW
Swift 86 > NW
Ringed Plover 2 > NW
Redpoll 9 > N in three flocks
Wheatear 1
White Wagtail 1 > N
Black headed Gull 1 > NW
Lapwing 2 v high > NW
Linnet 6 > SE
Tern sp 3 > E
Whimbrel 1 (1130 - 1300hr) > N MD etal
1500 - 1700hr
E F1/calm, 12degC, 65km, 8/8 gentle rain in flat calm throughout, QNH 1023 rising.
Despite the very gentle rain in the flat calm, much activity in the sky from the "local" birds. The only movement logged was a handfull of LBB Gulls > NW and from time to time small groups of House Martins and Sand Martins appearing from nowhere to hawk over the water and wave wall / embankment. These groups vanished just a quickly only to be repaced my more after a lull of no birds. No moving Swallows or Swifts noted at all.
Moving Birds:
Sand Martin 33 total
House Martin 56 total
LBB Gull 15 > NW
Wheatear 5 > working north
Lapwing 1 > W
Tony Gough had Whimbrel x 3 together with Dunlin passing over Kex Gill, twixt Wharfedale and Washburn..... this fits well with this period of wader passage.