Oxenhope.... waders west! 17-05-2010

Whimbrel > NW.... montage! (c) 2010

Emirates in the Manchester stack... (c) 2010

Attack!!!!.... (c) 2010

LBBG's still on the NW track.... (c) 2010

LBBG... (1s/w) (c) 2010

Ditto.... (c) 2010

Europe Airpost...La Poste, the French Post office... (c) 2010

All good things must come to and end... Ingleborough edge of dark through the haze! (c) 2010
W F3 reducing CALM, 16degC, 65km, 1/8 haze, QNH 1026 rising.
1855 - 2130hr
A terrific evening excelling expectation in all respects with a constant flow of lessers, contrails to see, ideallic conditions and a couple of passage waders in the mix. At 2015 a Whimbrel was heard on approach out of the SE.... it flew right past just above head height lit by the low sun... with frequent "7 whistle" calls. At 2044 a Greenshank came in also from the SE, landed briefly at the east end and before too long off west low over over the moor. Again a very vocal bird I addition there seemed to have been an influx of Common Sands. To end it all a tremendous sunset.... possibly the ash cloud doing its stuff?
Moving Birds:
LBB Gull 31 > NW
Whimbrel 1 > NW
Greenshank 1 > W
Swift 24 > NW
Wheatear 3
Cuckoo constantly calling