Oxenhope.... wave exhausted? 18-09-2010

Pre Sunrise.... (c) 2010

Brilliance in the East... (c) 2010

A lenticular Omen!..... (c) 2010

Icebow... or Rainbow.... (c) 2010
Oxenhope, Bradford (W Yorks, England)
Saturday 18 September 2010
Counting period: 6:15-12:00
Weather: WNW F3, 6degC, 65km to max 200 miles!, 4/8 increasing 8/8, QNH 1018 falling
Observers: Dave Barker, Howard Creber
Moving birds:
Tufted Duck 1 -
Saturday 18 September 2010
Counting period: 6:15-12:00
Weather: WNW F3, 6degC, 65km to max 200 miles!, 4/8 increasing 8/8, QNH 1018 falling
Observers: Dave Barker, Howard Creber
Moving birds:
Tufted Duck 1 -
Mistle Thrush 13 -
Golden Plover 26 -
Golden Plover 26 -
Jay 2 -
Black-headed Gull 15 -
Black-headed Gull 15 -
Starling - 4
Lesser Black-backed Gull 78 -
Lesser Black-backed Gull 78 -
Chaffinch 18 -
Swallow 8 -
Swallow 8 -
Greenfinch 1 -
Meadow Pipit 239 -
Meadow Pipit 239 -
Lesser Redpoll 4 -
alba wagtail sp. 6 -
alba wagtail sp. 6 -
Lapland Bunting 1 -
Song Thrush 1 -
Song Thrush 1 -
Squirrel 3 W and SW
Totals: 417 individuals, 15 species, 5:45 hours
Comments: Open sky overnight til dawn then deep cumulus with strato base overdrawing with several heavy showers tracking down the western side of the Pennines and eventually moving laterally over us. Open sky to the east initially rapidly over drawing from the west then mainly overcast. QNH falling throughout with wind from a NW quarter swinging SW by dusk. Rain soon after dark. Perhaps the most interesting thing about the sky this morning was its exceptional clarity out to the ENE with the tops of exceptionally deep cumulus c100 miles NE of Whitby over the North Sea (a band of rain stretching from Scotland way down to the SE as seen on the rainfall radar) clearly visible from our watchpoint... that being some 200 miles distant!! Warmer than Yday but only just! Both birds and the day felt like early October! A big let down here, with very poor movement generally possibly due to instability of the dramatic conditions but the recent mip wave did seem to be exhausted?? A Song Thrush checked out for RW west was perhaps the most unexpected bird despite the time of year as we get few ST up here and two Jays W were interesting..... Otherwise just the now, almost expected!!!! main stream Lap Bunt single through and the onset of Squirrel migration over the moors..... Wonder if we will witness the Lemming approach this year??.... Mips 239 mostly W!!! Surely not at this early date??.... Chaff 18 W.... Swallow 8 S.... T Duck sounding like a Raven!!!... Alba 6... Mistle 13 W... Song Thrush 1 W... Jay 2 W... Greenfinch 1 W... Redpol 4 S... Squirrel 3 S and W... Starling 4 NW fast and low were interesting!... Lap Bunt 1 SSE...

Totals: 417 individuals, 15 species, 5:45 hours
Comments: Open sky overnight til dawn then deep cumulus with strato base overdrawing with several heavy showers tracking down the western side of the Pennines and eventually moving laterally over us. Open sky to the east initially rapidly over drawing from the west then mainly overcast. QNH falling throughout with wind from a NW quarter swinging SW by dusk. Rain soon after dark. Perhaps the most interesting thing about the sky this morning was its exceptional clarity out to the ENE with the tops of exceptionally deep cumulus c100 miles NE of Whitby over the North Sea (a band of rain stretching from Scotland way down to the SE as seen on the rainfall radar) clearly visible from our watchpoint... that being some 200 miles distant!! Warmer than Yday but only just! Both birds and the day felt like early October! A big let down here, with very poor movement generally possibly due to instability of the dramatic conditions but the recent mip wave did seem to be exhausted?? A Song Thrush checked out for RW west was perhaps the most unexpected bird despite the time of year as we get few ST up here and two Jays W were interesting..... Otherwise just the now, almost expected!!!! main stream Lap Bunt single through and the onset of Squirrel migration over the moors..... Wonder if we will witness the Lemming approach this year??.... Mips 239 mostly W!!! Surely not at this early date??.... Chaff 18 W.... Swallow 8 S.... T Duck sounding like a Raven!!!... Alba 6... Mistle 13 W... Song Thrush 1 W... Jay 2 W... Greenfinch 1 W... Redpol 4 S... Squirrel 3 S and W... Starling 4 NW fast and low were interesting!... Lap Bunt 1 SSE...

Squirrel Migration!.... 0'rr the Moors!... (c) 2010
Five images all (c) 2010
Dave and Howard