Jacksons Ridge 16-02-2008

Ponden Reservoir (c) 2008

Watersheddles Col (c) 2008

Watersheddles Col (c)
1300 - 1700hrs E F2, still a ground frost, 0 ok, 10km,
Birds on the Moor:
The only vis noted, was a small skein of 12 Pinkfeet passing NW low over Crow Hill.
Wren 6
Red Grouse 33
Meadow Pipit 1
Skylark 1
Stonechat 4

Lad o' Crow Hill....... the storey goes:
He tells how the Lad, crossing the moors, was caught in a snowstorm and succumbed. No one appears to have missed the Lad, his body remained long awaiting identification, but no claimant was forthcoming. Then there arose the question of who should bury the corpse. Eventually it was a case for the Parish. Haworth and Stanbury sood obstinate, though the Lad was found on their moors. Trawden on the otherhand, refused, and the authorities waged controversy. Ultimately Trawden - it is said with an eye to business - yeilded, and buried the Lad where he was found, afterwards claiming the right to push their boundary (Lancashire - Yorkshire) to this point on the ridge

The Watersheddles Col and Reservior from Crow Hill... The North Rake (c) 2008

Aire-Calder Watershed, Stanbury Bog..... Keighley Corporation 1902 (c) 2008

The Grouse Moors around Alcomden Stones... looking NE (c) 2008

The Grouse Moors around Alcomden Stones... looking SW (c) 2008