Oxenhope... a slow day! 07-10-2009

The Lights of Leeds (c) Howard Creber 2009

Goosanders on Placid Water (c) Howard Creber 2009

Altostratus translucidus (c) Howard Creber 2009
Oxenhope, Bradford (W Yorks, England)
Wednesday 7 October 2009
Counting period: 7:00-9:30
Weather: W F1, 2degC, Frost, 65km, 3/8 altostratus, altocumulus, cirrostratus, QNH 1010 rising
Observers: Howard Creber
Moving birds:
Cormorant 3 -
alba wagtail sp. 3 -
Greylag Goose - 18
Song Thrush 2 -
Common Snipe 4 -
Mistle Thrush 3 -
Lesser Black-backed Gull 15 -
Chaffinch 36 -
Woodpigeon 46 -
Greenfinch 22 -
Skylark 3 -
Goldfinch 10 -
Meadow Pipit 179 -
Siskin 8 -
Grey Wagtail - 1
Totals: 353 individuals, 15 species, 2:30 hours
Comments: VIS MIG Meadow Pipit - 179 W (largest flock 20) Greenfinch - 22 S Chaffinch - 36 S Goldfinch - 10 S Siskin - 8 W Skylark - 3 W Grey Lag G - 18 NW (11 + 1 + 6) Mistle Thrush - 3 W Grey Wag - 1 NW Alba Wag - 3 W Wood Pig - 46 W Cormorants - 3 W Snipe - 4 NW Song Thrush - 2 NW LBB Gull - 15 W 353 individuals, 15 species LOCAL BIRDS Magpie Pheasant Reed Bunting Kestrel Carrion Crow Jackdaw 44 Goosanders on res Black Headed Gull COMMENTS Truncated stay today due to delivery at home. Nonetheless, passage was light with little to get the blood coursing through the old veins. Two Song Thrush NW close in were the highlight with several other thrush sp. (not Mistles) way out over Airedale thwarting positive ID - more Song Thrush or Redwing?!
Howard Creber
Counting period: 19:30-20:30
Weather: Calm, 7/8, open sky to far NW with clear edge.
Observers: Dave Barker
Totals: 0 individuals, 0 species, 1:00 hours
Comments: Norr Hill. Nocturnal visit. No Redwings heard going over in one hour period.