Ovenden Swallows... more info! 31-08-2009

Ogden and Oxenhope watchpoints from Soil Hill (c) B Sumner 2009
Double click the photo to make it bigger and to see the detail!
If you click on the photo to enlarge it you can see where the trees fade out on the moor above Ogden in conjunction to with the Oxenhope watch point. The top of the valley of trees is directly south of the sacrifice stones so the Swallows will have been passing Oxenhope at the other side of the hill by Fly Flatts or low down over " the bumps" below the skyline but you would probably have picked them up using the latter. I stand near the lower plantation to the left hand centre of the picture. Back Lane can be seen running up between the two plantations.
Thanks for this Brian, it helps to make it clear. Supurb panoramic shot emphasising the relationship between our two watchpoints! We did get some going low south over "the bumps" but not a lot. I think as you say we must have missed the main push low over the moor, which they must have been. They might even have come up one or both of the high cloughs on our side, just to catch us out.... anyway you did catch them at your side so that is good!.... a great day.
Just received this from Trem confiming that Swallows were moving up Paul at the time you were getting them Brian. We know the timing is about right as we saw BV arriving and putting his boots on just after our telephone conversation. The numbers recorded over Paul suggest that the Swallows may well have come south on a broad front down and in the shelter of the Worth valley before rising and continuing over the moor.... just a logical guess!
Hi Dave, I was in Paul Clough for about one and a half hours on Monday 31st Aug with Brian Vickers there for last half hour. About 40 Swallows came up the Clough in small groups of 5 to 7, very little else showing. Brian and I then went on to Nab Water lane and Fly Flats as reported by him, I stayed a while after Brian went but only saw 1 Kestrel hunting.