Oxenhope Watchpoint 18-05-2008

Cumulus Mediocris building over the western moors (c) 2008

Pied Wagtail male (c) 2008
0715 - 1100hrs (DCB, CK)
N / NE F3, 8degC cold, vis 65km max, 4/8 cumulus mediocris becomming stratocumulus, QNH 1016 rising.
Report will follow later, no moving birds.....
Red-legged Partridge 2
Common Sandpiper 2
Pied Wagtail 3+
Little Ringed Plover 1
Curlew 6+
Rook 1
Redshank 2
Linnet 5+
Grey Wagtail 2
Red Grouse 1
Swift 3
Kestrel 2
Herring Gull 1
Lapwing 10+
Stock Dove 3
Reed Bunting 2
Whinchat 1
Dave and Chris

Grey Wagtail female (c) 2008

Common Sandpiper (c) 2008

Meadow Pipit hunting for food (c) 2008

Redshank hunting.... (c) 2008

Redshank on the shore (c) 2008

Whinchat in Sycamore (c) 2008