Oxenhope.... a wader day 05-07-2009

Big Move of Oystercatchers > NW... in total 21 birds! (c) 2009

Local male (ringed bird) escorting two passage birds off and away! (c) 2009

Curlews, just two going NW today (c) 2009

Two very moulty Tufted Ducks fresh today (c) 2009
0630 - 1245hr
S F2 becoming SW F2, 15degC at 0700, 100km, recent rain, 7/8 stratocumulus becoming 3/8 cumulus congestus, QNH 1010 falling.
Managed to get out on site somewhat earlier this morning but not much moving initially. On the way in it was noted that mipits were congregating along the roadside verges on Trough Lane and again at Sentry Hill. Magpies also congregating. Interesting after yesterdays dispersal flights of mipits at Kex Gill, I can confirm that the same is happening here at Oxenhope with several parties moving convincingly south and south west during the early part of the visit. Eight was the biggest party seen which moved south at 0803hr but by o830hr at least 30 were congregating on the wave wall in true autumn fashion!! as these moved on they were replaced by others from the N. By 0900hr they had all gone. Several very high and long flying single mipits were scoped and were seen to be carrying food onto the moor. Gulls were still on the move with the status being very much the same as yesterday. Oystercatchers however starting at 0856hr were prolific! Noisy flocks and groups of 4, 2, 2, 6, 2, 3, and 2 totalling 21 passed NW in the period up to 1131hr. Spoke to BS at Ogden just after 0900hr and he had also had Oystercatcher moving west. It was interesting that the local breeding birds still on site took aversion to the passage birds as they went through and in three cases the ringed male (confirmed by photograph twice) was seen to rally and escort the noisily approaching movers well off site before returning. Swifts, from the first one seen at 0800hr were moving SW into the wind, smaller numbers than yesterday but still interesting. Golden Plover, Curlew also passed through.... as did 11 medium sized wader sp (1005hr) distant and high SW over the Causeway Foot col but sadly could not be specific about these. A guess on all available info would be Knot but not claiming these as such.
Moving birds:
Lapwing 1 > S and 1> N total 2
LBB Gull 133 > SW and S
BH Gull 150 > SW and S
Grey Wagtail 2 > W
Mipit 23 > S and SW
Mistle Thrush 1 > W
Carrion Crow 1 > N and 1> S. V high
Curlew 2 > NW
Golden Plover 2 > SW
Oystercatcher 21 > NW
Starling 2 > SW high
Goldfinch 8 > SW
Wader sp 11 > SW
and for the "metal bird" enthusiasts....

Monarch going SW (c) 2009

RyanAir going west (c) 2009
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