Oxenhope.... crash!... 20-08-2010

Torrential Downpours... on and off throughout... (c) 2010

More Rain.... (c) 2010

The end to an imperfect day!... (c) 2010
1500 - 1640hr
LBB Gull 335
Common Gull 2
Yellow legged Gull 2
W F5/6, 19degC, 1000m - 40km, 8/8 torrential downpours, QNH 1010 rising
1900 - 2115hr
Intermittent heavy rain overnight with open sky between. Several swiftly moving torrential downpours throughout the day, more especially to the west of the area and especially in the late afternoon as they tracked up from the south west. Wind picking up from E F1/2 overnight to SSW to SW becoming W F5/6 then moderating as night drew in. QNH rising throughout and also exceptionally humid all day. By early evening virtually nothing in the sky... BH Gulls absent and nothing present either but noticable as very last light drew in that a strong LBB Gull roost was forming.
Moving birds:
LBB Gull 19
Curlew 4
Peg 1
Meadow Pipit 23
Goosander 21