Oxenhope... kiss me honey honey!! 22-09-2010

Pre Sunrise.... (c) 2010

Pre Sunrise... (c) 2010

A Morbid post sunrise sky... (c) 2010

Open sky from mid morning... haze and velum to the west (c) 2010

Velum... and the next weather advances.... (c) 2010
Oxenhope, Bradford (W Yorks, England)
Wednesday 22 September 2010
Counting period: 6:25-13:15
Weather: SSW F1 becoming F3, 12degC at dawn, 30km haze, 6/8 becoming 1/8 then 8/8, QNH 1016 falling
Observers: Dave Barker, Howard Creber, Rodney Procter
Moving birds:
Tufted Duck 1 -
Black-headed Gull 125 -
alba wagtail sp. 33 -
Honey Buzzard 1 -
Lesser Black-backed Gull 96 -
Stonechat 2 -
Sparrowhawk 3 -
Woodpigeon 27 -
Song Thrush 16 -
Common Buzzard 1 -
Great Spotted Woodpecker 1 -
Mistle Thrush 6 -
Kestrel 4 -
Skylark 23 -
Chaffinch 184 -
Hobby 1 -
Swallow 595 -
Greenfinch 38 -
Lapwing 6 -
House Martin 85 -
Goldfinch 26 -
Dunlin 1 -
Meadow Pipit 840 -
Linnet 57 -
Common Snipe 20 -
Grey Wagtail 5 -
Red Admiral 46 -
Totals: 2243 individuals, 27 species, 6:50 hours
Present: Lapwing 146
Comments: Open sky for first part of night, then becoming broken but open again from mid morning. Calm overnight becoming v light wind but QNH falling throughout. Rain by 1700hr. Mipits seemed to be going well m,ainly south first off but soon petered out to almost nothing. Swallows again ok south early but the later increase never came. Again chaffs well represented most going west but a few later on going south. The main early morning interest this morning was the passage of Song Thrushes west in ones, twos and threes... looking v Redwing but all confirmed ST. a GS Woodpecker went very high west as did all of the waders but much lower including a spectacular whisp of 13 Snipe. A Hobby went SW at 1008. The main late morning interest began c 1100hr with a spectacular passage of Red Admirals west... other butterflies moths? that I couldent get enough on to id were also involved in the move but includind a few Small Tortoiseshells and a Peacock. Fou large Dragonfly sp also went W. but the bird of the day was a Honey Buzzard through in the lunchtime BOP slot at 1235 south, through the col... I can only be the remnants of Howards brown bread honey sandwiches left on the wall that attracted this.... A Common Buzzard also through. Today two different single passerine sp both calling going through got away,,, some work to do here yet!
PAUL CLOUGH 22-09-2010
It appeared to be a perfect morning to see birds moving... but the Clough was devoid of birds, The only movement was above with 140 Mpipts moving south between 0700hrs to 0800hrs, and two Grey Wagtails. Pm I found three adult Stonechats on Nab Water Lane these may be the forerunners of the Autumn drift south.
Brian Vickers