Masses of Black headed Gulls on the move (c) 2009

Big move of Large Whites, Small Whites and Green veined Whites (c) 2009
0730 - 1200hr
S F1 increasing SW F3, 13decC at 0700hr, 65km, 0/8 initially increasing 7/8 stratocumulus, QNH 1020 falling.
A quiet windless morning initially in all respects but as the wind picked up so did the moving birds and also butterflies! Biting flies initially were horrendous... proving too much for CK who had to abandon early. Whilst the skies were open, there were this morning, few contrails so little aero vis was apparent. However Black headed Gulls, Lesser black backed Gulls, a few Swallows and many white butterflies were moving well especially during the mid morning period whilst the skies were open. After 1100hr stratocumulus advancing from the west overdrew and by 1200... appart from the butterflies things were much more quiet. At one time at least 25 white butterflies were visible working their way along the embankment NW. Most of the gulls were coming in from the high NE and N with many overflying and continuing in waves and lines. Swallow movement was high with parties located way out into the NE followed approacing and continuing SW. Three waders were first picked up in the scope way out to the NE, as they approaced and overflew these turned out to be Dunlin!
Moving birds and butterflies:
Black headed Gull 860 > mainly SW
LBB Gull 161 > SW and NW
Swallow 73 > S and SW
Linnet 39 > W
Common Gull 1 > SW
Canada Goose 10 > SW
Swift 1 > SW
Dunlin 3 > SW
Curlew 3 > W
Mipit 25 (one group) coming in and moving on west
Large / Small and Green veined White.... many moving NW (uncountable)
Speckled Wood 1 > NW and several noted in the wood by the gates... an influx!
Meadow Brown 6+ > NW

Thomas Cook... Airbus A320 overhead (c) 2009
Labels: aero vis