Oxenhope... a dismal day! 06-08-2010

Humberhead... back'o Drax!...an evil sky!! (c) 2010
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Light misting rain
1400 - 1530hr
Curlew 2
LBB Gull 62
BH Gull 48
Common Gull 1
Willow Warbler 6
Brian Vickers
SW F3, 15degC, 65km, 8/8 light misting rain at times but with the odd shaft of sunlight, QNH 1009 falling all day
1840 - 2130hr
Open sky overnight but two bands of rain today, one in the morning and the other during the afternoon, both fairly light and moving up from the south west. Wind SE at c 0700 becoming S and now SW. Unsuitable for much in the sky up here but a couple of Wheatears moving off over the moor must have arrived o'night as probably did the WW. Gulls at a low but nine Curlew were on the shore as the gloom was gathering at 2045hr. Very interestingly Sentry was wick with mipits upon arrival and a total of 80 moved W and SW during the evening!
Moving birds:
Wheatear 2
BH Gull 15
LBB Gull 31
Oystercatcher 1
Curlew 1
Mipit 80
Curlew 9