Oxenhope 19-09-2008

Dawn This Morning (c) 2008
0630 - 1015 DB/HC
W F2, 9.8degC rising 14, 6km mist, 8/8 stratus, QNH 1024 falling then rising.
Rain further north overnight, moving out into the North Sea but remaining dry and clear here with cloud cover (broken Stratus nebulosus opacus this time) invading before dawn. Conditions seemed ok but just very few mipits on the move this morning. The little mipit movement that there was, all faded away prior to 0800hr leaving deathly quiet, dismal, murky, cold, and most disappointingly almost vis-less conditions. Not even Howards Warburtons best honey breakfast sandwiches could coax a Honey Buzzard into sight! Finches however were moving quite well later on with Goldfinch 4 parties, Chaffinch 5 parties and Linnet 3 parties. 31 Goosanders were at roost at first light.
Moving Birds in order of appearance:
Meadow Pipit 110 > mainly south and west but with a few of the early ones north. The first mipit over was at 0642hr.
alba wagtail 4 > SW
Siskin 24 > SW
Linnet 18 > SW
Mistle Thrush 6 > W
Song Thrush 2 singles SW on call
BH Gull 14 > S
Starling 1 > W
Redshank 2 left high NW
LBB Gull 12 > S
Goldfinch 59 > SE
Chaffinch 31 > W
Swallow 3 > S
Reed Bunting 1 > W
Lapwing 5 > S
Golden Plover 1
Snipe 6 > W
Merlin 1 > S
Skylark 2 (1 > E and 1 > W)
Stonechat 2