Oxenhope... 2012-09-25

Oxenhope, Bradford (W Yorks, England)
Tuesday 25 September 2012
Counting period: 6:30-16:05
Weather: wind SW4, cloud-cover 8/8, precipitation rain, visibility 19000m, temperature 9 ℃, becoming W F3, then F5 9ok, nimbostratus throughout with a high cloudbase, remaining 9degC, 45000m, QNH 978 troughing, then rising 980
Observers: Dave Barker
Moving Birds:
Cormorant 1 -
Lesser Black-backed Gull 64 -
Dunlin - 2
Herring Gull 3 -
Snipe - 18
Swallow 3 -
Common Gull 25 -
Meadow Pipit 147 -
Totals: 263 individuals, 8 species, 9:35 hours
Present: Redstart 1, Ring Ouzel 2, Song Thrush 3, Goldcrest 9, Coal Tit 3
Comments: Considering the conditions, a good day with grounded stuff making up for the vis. Several of our regular alternative ox watchpoints visited to maximise result. Mips moving high and fast initially in small numbers with snipe also going. Over the lunchtime period the rain dried up a bit with gulls streaming south throughout, commons much elevated. A couple of dunlin dropped from the sky, to leave fast NW. Nan, Top Ox, Paul and Rag all visited with a reasonable combined result for the more obvious groundings (more time would have produced much much more) whilst mip movement kept going throughout.