Oxenhope... an active morning! 27-08-2009

The Airport Lights Before Sunrise... looking ENE with N York Moors beyond (c) 2009

A Crack in the Clouds... Crepuscular Rays (c) 2009

Early Sun over the Dales... Wainmans Pinacle, Elslack Moor, Settle and Beyond (c) 2009
0545 - 1045hr
WSW F2 becoming SSW F2/3, 13degC at 0600, 100km+ reducing 65km, 5/8 then 2/8 then 7/8, QNH 1010 rising.
Goosander roost now active with 15 present before sunrise. Skies very active first thing (even before sunrise) with mipits going west, most even here at 380m asl were very high initially with the constant twinkling of calls in true autumn fashion, mostly in small groups but the largest was 25. As the morning progressed movement got lower but with some still going high. By 0705hr groups were falling out of the sky to settle briefly on the wave wall before all moving on, still west, at a much lower level.... hopping through just above the ground. By 0830 the mipits were quiet and gone! An influx this morning of albas was interesting as they have since departing after the breeding season been in short supply. a total of six Tree Pipits passed through SW with the first one being at 0635. The first Swallow was at 0656 this was followed by a succession of well spaced groups until c 0830 when passage in small numbers became constantly active so long as you were activly scanning or s coping out for them... This confirmed movement to be on a sparse broad front but of course this diddent pick up the ones moving low over the topography. Yellow Wagtails were in evidence with one SW at 0646 and another W at 0954. A few Snipe went west and south, a Raven went cronking west and a compact skein of 7 Cormorants overflew high north to south without stopping at 0913. Three Ringed Plover first seen then heard passed west at 1000hr. All in all an interesting morning.
Moving Birds
Meadow Pipit 243 > W
Tree Pipit 6 > SW
Yellow Wagtail 2 > SW and W
Swallow 157 > between S and W
Sand Martin 2 > SE
BH Gull 48 > SW
Snipe 3 W and S
LBB Gull 23 > SW
Reed bunting 1 > W
Linnet 21 > W
Raven 1 > W
Cormorant 7 > S
Goldfinch 6 > W
Ringed Plover 3 > W
Dragonfly sp 1 > SW
alba wagtail 6
Sparrowhawk 3
Goosander 15