Oxenhope.... curlew roost grows! 02-07-2010

Curlews coming in at last light!... (c) 2010

Bath time for Curlews... (c) 2010

Curlews loafing!.... (c) 2010

Cormorant dropped in!... (c) 2010

Loafing Lappies!.... just a few of many here (c) 2010

Dunlin juv.... first of the season! and Common Sandy... (c) 2010

Common Sand amongst the BIG boys!... (c) 2010

Lessers at last Sun!... (c) 2010
1610 - 2210hr
Moderate overnight rain but clearing up well before dawn leaving a bright sunny day. An obvious increase in the number of Curlews using the area with much commuting between in-bye, fields and waters edge... a tremendous roost of at least 124 by edge of dark with birds still coming in unseen. At least 18 went west during the evening. The first juvie Dunlin of the season was encouraging. Again few Swifts here and LBB Gull numbers down although black heads were up!
Moving birds:
Curlew 18 > W
Lapwing 23 > W
LBB Gull 153
BH Gull 106
Swift 10 > W
Oystercatcher 8 > W
Starling 61 > E
Cormorant 1 > NW
Curlew 124
Lapwing 95
Dunlin 1
Common Sand 3