Thick Fog at 0730hr 170m visibility (c) 2008
0730 - 1200hr DB/HC/MD.
SE F1 rising SE F4, 11degC, 170m - 18km, 8/8 Fog improving to haze 6/8, QNH 1025 rising.
Initially very disappointing with thick fog preventing the early morning move, which we could hear was happening, from being seen! Antagonisingly the cloudbase was only just below us at c 1150ft. During the foggy period several Grey Wagtails passed west, a group of albas arrived and mipits passing in the gloom could constantly be heard. At 0835hr the fog / low cloud rapidly dispersed from the south east inducing a surge of mipits and Snipe moving behind. As a difference to yesterday Meadow Pipits kept moving throughout the morning albeit slanted towards the first visibility for the most movement. Swallows were not seen until 0945hr after which numbers seen to be on the move slowly picked up but again as a difference to yesterday much of the movement was much much lower in the sky with many birds comming south out of the Worth basin and away over the moor. A continuance of yesterdays duck passage with a group of Teal comming in from the east and a couple of Shoveller (very unusual here) dropping in from the northwest. A large group of Goosander overflew high south. The temperature never really picked up all morning and it was decidedly cool in the SE F4, 11degC wind!
Moving birds in order of appearance:
Grey Wagtail 8 > W
alba wagtail 8 > SE
Meadow Pipit 551 > S
Snipe 5 > W
Redpoll 15 > S
Cormorant 2 > W and 1 high > SE total 3
Goosander 18 > S
Starling 3 > SW, W and S
LBB Gull 21 > NW
Swallow 382 > S
House Martin 5 > S
Sand Martin 3 > S
Linnet 16 > SE
Siskin 3 > SW
Wheatear 2 > SW
Goldfinch 56 > SE
Willow Warbler 1 > SW
Teal 5 > NW
Lapwing 8 > E
Skylark 1 > W
Shoveller 2 in from NW
Chaffinch 3 > SE
White Wagtail 1
Great Spotted Woodpecker 1

The Sky Mid Morning (c) 2008

The Team Today.... hat, two coat and glove weather! (c) 2008